
Why We Give

Godfirst is committed to serving the community around us, both practically and spiritually. We desire to see God change the East Rand and for His name to be made famous here. We are committed to putting Him first in every area of our lives – including our finances. Our members give with generous and glad hearts – knowing that our money is mission ammunition and that God is glorified as we understand this grace of giving. 

If you are our guest or visiting us, please know we are not after your money, and instead want to serve you. If however, you would like to join us in our mission of bringing the message of Jesus to the East Rand by giving financially then thank you. For obvious practical reasons we encourage our members to contribute by making EFT payments, below you will find our banking details.


As followers of Christ, we are called to partner with Christ as we witness his kingdom advance in and through our church and city. One way we are called to do this, is to steward our finances through the local church to see the gospel move through our city empowering evangelism, discipleship, mercy and justice and social renewal.

Please consider how you could partner with us in this area.

At each of our Sunday meetings we take up a cash offering. (Please note for security reasons we strongly encourage you to rather give electronically).

EFT: If you would like to give electronically please use the bank account details below.

Benoni Congregation

Bank Details: G1CER - Benoni Congregation
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62348039498
Branch: 254 405

Boksburg Congregation

Bank Details: G1CER - Boksburg Congregation
Bank: First National Bank
ACC: 62348038458
Branch: 254 405

G1 Compassion

As an eldership team we have been and continually remain in prayer for all of you. We thank God for all of you and your prayers through this unprecedented time. We are aware that many in our family have come under huge pressure financially. Putting food on the table has become a potential uncertainty. We are also very concerned about those outside our family but are part of our community especially in township and informal settlement communities. As the church of Christ, recipients of the highest grace, we are compelled to love and care for those taking strain in our family as well as in our community.

Matthew 25 : 40 Jesus teaches us this: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

And when the apostles sent Paul and Barnabus on their missionary outreach they requested this of them in Galatians 2:10 “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.”

The heart positioned towards those less fortunate than ourselves is right at the center of our faith in Jesus. There is something incredibly Christ like in our desire, intention and effort to love and care for those in need amongst us. As a church we have decided to put a fund together to bring some relief to those amongst us and around us who are unable to provide food for their families. Our hearts break for these people and we are trying to bring some much needed relief to them.

If you would like to contribute to this fund please could you make payments to the account below and use the reference as indicated. I want to encourage you to also send this on to anyone who you believe could contribute that is not a part of our church.

Banking Details

Bank Details: G1CER
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62348039498
Branch: 254 405

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Benoni Congregation

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Northvilla Terrace
Cnr Stokroos & Celia Nestadt Street

Boksburg Congregation

072 869 8529 

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146 Circuit Road

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