Who We Are

A Little Bit About Our Church

Godfirst Church East Rand is a reformed, spirit-filled, missional Church which is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel in our city. The East rand is a significant part of the broader Johannesburg City and we are delighted to serve this region.

We currently have two congregations meeting in Benoni and Boksburg, but we are growing and eager to see more congregations planted, meeting and serving other parts of the East Rand.

For more info on Benoni, contact Andrew Butterworth at andrew@g1eastrand.co.za. For more info on Boksburg, contact Rob Weddell on 011 979 7071, rob@g1eastrand.co.za.

By Name & By Nature

We wanted a name that would provoke believers to energetic devotion to God, whilst giving everyone a snapshot of what it means to be a Christ-follower - Godfirst. Oswald Smith writes:

"Does God come first in my life or does business hold the supreme place? Is it God first or pleasure? God first or money? God first or family? Do they come first or does God? What then are the terms of discipleship? Let me give the answer in just two words: God first. And if I could, I would put them on a banner in the sight of every congregation in the world - GOD FIRST."

Godfirst And Advance

Godfirst East Rand began as a site of Godfirst – a Church planted in Bryanston in 2005. Starting out as a life group of about 12 Godfirsters driving across to Bryanston for Sunday services, G1 East Rand was finally launched as a G1 site. Godfirst has transitioned from one Church in many locations to a brotherhood of Churches working together under the banner of Advance. 

Advance Logo White

In September of 2021 we decided to plant a new congregation into Boksburg as a first step in planting churches across the East Rand.

Vision & Beliefs

Godfirst is a community on a mission that helps people get God First in their lives.

God First In Their Lives

Life is like packing a suitcase. Firstly you place in the larger item, and then pack the lesser items around it. The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me”, and Jesus said “Seek first the Kingdom of God”. We help people find God, put Him first, and keep Him first.

Community On A Mission

This phrase concisely describes the essence of biblical church – a loving community on a serious mission. To this end, we value friendship and hospitality, and we love being part of a Life Group within the Church, where we feel a particular sense of belonging. We are also on a vigorous mission to help unbelievers cross the line of faith. To this end our meetings and preaching are “double impact” – simultaneously helping unbelievers toward the line of faith, encouraging believers to press deeper into faith territory, and continuously equipping and provoking each other towards missional living.

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Benoni Congregation

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Northvilla Terrace
Cnr Stokroos & Celia Nestadt Street

Boksburg Congregation

072 869 8529 

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146 Circuit Road

Sunday Service Times


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